Earl Carroll, theatre legend describes the ideal girl as...
Height - 5'5"
Weight - 118
Neck - 12"
Bust - 34"
Waist - 24"
Hips - 35.5"
Thigh - 19"
Ankle - 9"
wrist - 6"
Being that I too am a performer of the stage and a vintage lover, I feel that I should strive to acheive these measurements as well. Other than the height -- as I am 5'6" -- I think these are measurements I can acheive. I know I can because not too many years ago, I was 119 with a 24" waist. Besides, 5'6" isn't but an inch different
Now trying to stay away from more personal feelings in this synthetic blog, I will say that I don't need to hear about not having to reach those ideals. It doesn't translate to me as people saying you are beautiful just the way you are. It translates to people wanting to keep me plump for their own selfish needs. On Sex and the City Carrie once said to Miranda, when finding out Miranda didn't like Carrie dating the Russian and moving to Paris with him, "I can't stay in New York and be single for you." This is kind of how I feel about the weight and body issues. I don't know if people want me fat to make themselves feel better, but that is how it translates to me. So moving on...
I have already noticed that cutting pop out of my diet (90% anyway) I have lost 7 lbs and 2 inches. Even though I still have a big noticable pooch, it has shrunk dramatically. I need to firm up the lose skin a bit, but not completely. I like soft not muscular. Now I need to cut out the artificial sweetners I have been having instead of the regular sugars and work on my over all diet.
It is no secret that my idea of the perfect figure was Sherry Britton. As much as I would love to have her frame, it will be impossible. I am 3 inches taller and my boobs are far too tiny. There is no way I could ever have an 18" waist uncorsetted either. But while the numbers might not match Sherry's... I would love for the ratio'ed figure to match. That I believe can happen.

So after having now taken my measurements I can see what I need to work on...
Height - 5'6"
Weight - 145
Neck - 12.5"
Bust - 35.5"
Waist - 28"
Hips - 38"
Thigh - 23.5"
Ankle - 8"
Wrist - 6"
Well... at least my wrist is on mark. I also don't think I am measuring my ankle right, because I have fat cankles and for it to be smaller than the inches he requested... I don't know. I have to be doing it wrong. Not the most recent photo of me, but still probably most accurate. I have a long way to go until I get my perfect Burlesque figure...