Monday, October 18, 2010

Hair: Before and After

Yesterday I wore my hair in curlers ALL day. Yes, even going to the grocery store in full on head dress. Now when I set my hair in the perm rods, I do it just to get curls in my hair. I really have no set pattern. My hair really isn't cut in a way to take advantage of a set pattern. Today after I took out the curlers I brushed and shaped my curls and then rolled and side combed the front and side and then side combed the other side. By that I meant placed hair combs in the hair, not brushed the hair with a comb.

So this is the before and after. Yes I am wearing the same dress as yesterday. It's a house dress and I am stuck at the house today. lol Click the photo to enlarge.


  1. Amazing color! Wish I could rock the blonde like that, my olive skin does better with darker colors!


  2. Wow your hair looks great. May I ask, how much did you brush the curls out and what products did you put in before? I'm currently trying to perfect such curls :)

    Vintage Belle Blog

  3. So pretty! The set came out fantastic! I agree with your past posting on hair sets, its an adventure to see how the curls go! -Miss Amethyst

  4. Now thats a fab look Lolita. Did you get any looks on your way to the grocers?

  5. You're so pretty! And I love your hair.
    Great look. I saw you pictures, and you have great clothes.

  6. Cute!!

    Is that Russian Red lipstick???

  7. Terrific as ever, you amazing girlie you xxx

  8. oops posted from my ego account! hahahaha xxx

  9. I wear curlers out frequently. I just tie them up in a scarf ala Aunt Jemima. I usually do get a few looks, but mostly people just think the scarf is cute (until they find out what it's hiding!).
