Sunday, May 15, 2011

The failed pin curl set.

Click to enlarge
I just can't do it! I can't get pin curls! I followed various pin curl setting patterns to create my own combination of a look that I liked for the photo shoot Perry and I were doing today and it just did NOT happen. :(  I am disappointed that it didn't work out according to plan, however I made the best of it and let my hair style itself by telling me where it wanted to fall. I then just pinned it into place and tried to smooth it out. In the end it's not a bad style (is it?), it's just that it is a reminder of how I can't master those damn pin curls! It's so frustrating!

My Face is nerdy, but it's the best photo that shows the style. Other angles make it either look like a bun on one side or a pompadour on the other. LOL


  1. I think this style looks lovely on you! Don't feel bad though, pin curls hate me too! It drives me nuts because my hair curls within the pin curl I try and set so I wind up with crazy looking wavy hair rather than curly hair!

  2. I really like the hairstyle. How did you do the long roll? I can only do short rolls. Everytime I try to do longer rolls they fall out of my hands before I can pin them and I have a terrible time forming them.

  3. I can never make a pin curl set do what I want it to do, only what IT wants to do. I call them Possessed Pin Curls. I feel your frustration but your hair turned out great, even if it wasn't what you had in mind.

  4. It looks great to me! I have a hard time getting pin curls to work for me as well.

  5. Pin curls are a challenge. What I find works best is after I take out the curls and brush, if it's a bit too frizzy, a little bit of Layrite pomade will smooth it out and help it style.

  6. These curls look great. I will be delighted if I ever manage to make something like this on my head. Bad hair day – everyday - that’s me ;)

  7. My advice (for what it's worth) is NOT to try setting patterns until you get the pin curl technique down just right. Setting patterns, let's face it, are difficult to accomplish perfectly on one's own head. Once you feel comfortable w/ the process itself, THEN try doing some setting patterns when you don't have anything important planned...:)

  8. ILiveinmy Lab... Pincurls are just so frustrating. It's almost like mine did what yours did... curl within the curl. It was a mess!

    Marie-Anne... It is actual a small roll pinned up next to the poofy front. I suggest doing long rolls in parts. The crown line and then the sides. Just push the ends together and pin.

    Inky... YES! The possessed pincurl is exactly what was happening!

    Sirens Sexy... They are a pain aren't they??

    Kim Bombshell... Next time I am going to take that advice! My ends were just too frizzy!

    Lady in Black... Thank you. Getting to know what your hair can and can't do is the hardest part of styling. It's always greener... With some practice you can modify styles to achieve a similar effect.:)

    Miss Matilda... It's not bad... I just wish I could remember how to do it again! And on purpose! LOL

  9. jewlover... That is great advice! I think I am going to try and pincurl my hair today just to understand the way it holds after.

  10. curls are not my favorite type of set. :) I am a born again perm-rodder. ;-) 2nd, I would go w/ foam rollers...then pin curls. Just for the record. I see these really technical videos and tutorials for pin curls on youtube...these beautiful setting patterns in my old styling books. I love them...I admire I want to do them? Nah. haha

  11. Aren't perm rods the greatest?! :) I think I am going to experiment tonight... going to see if I can't use perm rods in a pincurl (pc) pattern and mock the effect of what the pcs are supposed to do. I am starting to think that pcs should only be done when someone is doing them on you, instead of on yourself. I am also not going to use any product but wet hair and see if that doesn't help.

  12. The wet hair will help w/ controlling the curl for sure...unfortunately my hair frizzes terribly if I do pin curls on wet hair. Let me know how it works out for you. I did the setting pattern from the 'How to Handle Long Hair' book a while ago and the results were okay but arms were SO flippin' tired!
