I enjoy doing my household chores on Sunday. I know for many it is a day of rest, but for me, it's when I get started! I am not sure why I have chosen Sunday to be my household day. Perhaps it is because there is NOTHING on tv to distract me. So I usually just pop in an old movie and let it play in the background. A lot of the time it's a movie that I love and seen a million times like, Stagedoor Canteen, Stage Door, or the Women. However, today, it's a day of one of my two favourite comedians... Red Skelton!! Jack Benny is my other favourite in case you were wondering.
Today I decided to focus my household chores on the pile of hand wash that has been building up and up and up and up. Some of it is vintage I want to sell off and get rid of, some of it is my vintage that I haven't worn in ages because it needs to be washed. Now I am not an expert of household duties -- including laundry. Honestly, as much as I love "wifely duties" I don't know the proper way to do such tasks. So I just try to figure it out and hope for the best.
When it comes to hand washing, so long it isn't lingerie delicates, I usually just fill the tub to just over the garments I have tossed in and let them soak in the soapy water for about 10-15 mins. (Oops! has it been an hour already?) I tend to throw in about 2-3 like colored garments and then once they've soaked for a few I rinse them out and hang them outside on my wooden rack to dry. The Las Vegas sun and heat make a great quick drying combo for laundry day!
I love this silly rack. It has warped and splintered and it is beat, but dang it I love it! It folds right up and I just keep it in the kitchen when it is not in use. I wish I had an extra space to actually store it in, out of the way, but my place is tiny and I got to make do.
Speaking of making -- I am wearing my favourite summer house dress. You will see a lot of this dress as I tend to wear it every day lounging around the house. I made this dress from a 1930's pattern. With it's loose fitting wrapped waist with low backline, it is perfect for these hot days in Las Vegas when I am just hanging around the house, cleaning or vegging. My favourite part about this dress... no bra required! Thank you 1930s fashions!!

I made the dress from some cheap black, red, and white stretchy piqued material. I never properly finished adding the snaps to the back to keep the back from exposing my behind, so I have just opted for some safety pins. This has caused me to tear the back up from sitting and tugging and it is now my rag dress. Not going to be wearing this dress out on the town anytime soon!! The buttoned straps are just for decoration. The straps are a tad long and tend to fall down on me, but I am ok with that. My dog is the only one who will catch a glimpse of something only everyone else in the world has caught a glimpse of.
Laundry thrills me -- and so does my nose shadow that gives me a Hitler 'stache! |
I also like to take advantage of this day at home and go bare face allowing my skin to be makeup free and breathe. Sometimes I will even wear a facemask -- yes, even when I step outside to hang my clothes. Now, I don't wear much makeup normally. On a daily basis, I just wear a little bit of cover up to conceal the bags under my eyes, powder, mascara, and lipstick. Show days are a whole other story. So Sunday is a treat for me even though I tend to get all sweaty and gross. I really should make more of a ritual of beauty out of my Sundays, but like most everything else I do -- I make it up as I go with a basic outline. In the end, just being makeup free is nice.
Well, time to go check my laundry... Once the pieces are dry, I bring them in to steam or iron the wrinkles out. Needless to say, my work is not done for the day! Enjoy your Sunday everyone!!!