My friend, Palamino got me this beautiful glittery corsage!
This post will not be illustrated as exciting as the title implies. I will explain why shortly. It will also be a quick post.
Some of you may know that for a week now I have been living in Las Vegas. I was finally able to pack up all my junk in a truck and take a 3 day trek across country from Kenosha, WI to Las Vegas, NV. My puppy butts made the trip wonderfully and I couldn't be happier!
This past Saturday the community of Paradise Palms had their monthly get together of home owners. My friend, Jaede (who was the one who originally suggested I move to Las Vegas nearly 3 years ago) lives in Paradise Palms and she invited me to the get together so that I could meet everyone in one fell swoop.
Paradise Palms is a community of Mid-Century Modern homes with (most) owners being part of preservation and restoration vs update and rejuvenate. Most residents love vintage even if they don't adopt it as their fashion style. Luckily for me, a lot do! I like to think of Paradise Palms as the Palm Springs of Vegas.
As I had mentioned, my friend Jeade invited me to the get together which was a prom themed party. Having just sold my 50's prom dress and unable to find the box with my 40's formal in it in time, I unfortunately could only wear a 40's day dress to meet the lovely people of the community. No one seemed to mind thank goodness -- although I was disappointed I couldn't dress up. We all know I love an excuse to put on the high glam!
The party was hosted by a lovely couple, Asia and Joel. They were very welcoming and had delicious finger foods and a "prom photo area" set up in their beautiful home. I opted not to start snapping away pictures of their home and guests only because I didn't want to over step my welcome and be that person that would be all, "I don't know you, let me take pictures of you and your guests and post them online -- because I have a blog." So the only pictures I have from the evening are below from the "Prom Photo area".
I met many fascinating people that were beyond welcoming and friendly. Excited for living and not just for football and fish fries. Meeting these people solidified my thoughts that I made the right choice after all by moving back west. It was a pleasure speaking with everyone, even briefly and I am excited for future get to-gethers!
On to the photos...
Posing like a dorkhole with Kelly. |
My face is pudgy, but I am working on that. LOL Kelly is adorable! |
Jaede and me. She looked lovely even though she had 5 mins to get ready straight after work. |
Palamino and me. He was a gem helping me move all my stuff from the truck to the apartment! |
New friends! Denise, Jaede, Olga, me, Stacey, and Jasmin. |
With Jasmin of "Vintage Vandalizm" Check out her blog! |
Jasmin and me acting like ladies. |
Jaede with her husband Mike.