Monday, February 18, 2013


Are any other bloggers on blogspot getting an influx of spam comments? I used to get a couple here and there and I would just mark them as spam, but they are getting out of control on the daily now!


  1. I have not. I don't post that much, so I don't know if that makes a difference

    1. Interesting. The majority of my spams are on a couple old old posts of mine, but just recently they are attacking my new posts.

  2. I know! I used to have them all the time and it was really annoying. luckily the website used to just filter them out for me, but then it stopped doing that too. I suggest adding a word verification option to your comments because i did that and it stopped completely. And, I recently went back to normal comments with no word verification and have not had any spam sincce (i hope i'm not jinxing it.)

    1. Oh poo! I was hopping not to have to add a verification as I hate when I have to do it when leaving comments on other blogs. I may just have to do it temporarily.

  3. I noticed mine were increasing drastically, so I checked my settings and for some reason the option for captcha codes wasn't set. Since setting that, I've had a vast reduction.
    Hope that helps, spam is soooo annoying x

    1. I may have to add the captcha for a bit and see if that helps. I really didn't want to have to do that. :(

  4. I get at least one a week, sometimes more. Very irritating indeed!! I installed the rel=nofollow attribute so the links that they post will automatically be no-follow links so it doesn't hurt my page rank. As much as I want to turn on the captcha, I just go ahead and delete them, mark them as spam and that's that!

    1. I'd like to say I am glad I am not the only one, but it stinks that a lot of people are dealing with this. I mark them as spam as well, but it gets a bit annoying when you have to do it 10 times a day! Oh internet, when you give the good you give the bad. lol

  5. Yes, tons! Especially hitting my 1939 Electrolux post??? Annoying.

    1. Hah! My Rid-Jid post and Betty Grable Hair post seem to get it the most! Lately it has been my latest Gone with the Wind post! oy!

  6. I've noticed others bringing up the same issue, too.

    On another note, I'm so happy to stumble into a vintage lover from the area, as well! I will have to remember you when I arrange a big vintage lovers meet up at the Volo Antique Mall, soon! Do you have an e-mail? I'm having trouble finding it.


    1. It's a shame so many seem to be dealing with this as well.

      Oh please do! You can email me at Lolita at LolitaHaze dot com.

  7. I've noticed people have had have trouble with them recently.

    On another note, it is so nice to stumble into a vintage lover who is not too far! I will have to remember to give you a heads up when our vintage gals meet up at the Volo Antique Mall will be, should be pretty soon. Do you have an e-mail address? I'm having trouble finding yours on here.

  8. No increase in mine but please don't do the captcha code thing.I hate that and don't bother commenting on blogs that have it.

  9. It's insane! I've had to switch to the captcha thing & it stopped when I did--- but like art deco dame says, it's a pain to comment. I'm going to remove it and see what happens. :/
