Did anyone see Katy Perry's style at this year's AMA's? I know I am late to the game as I didn't watch the program, but I did find these photos of her on the net. I am wondering what you all think? One one hand I like Katy Perry (like, not love, not OMG GaGa love, not it's Madonna 'nough said love) I really like that she is a mainstream woman bring vintage style to the general public. Why some "vintage people" get all up in arms about her for her style or deny they have ever heard of her - I'm not buying that - I'll never know.
Amy Jeanne, I know why you don't like her, but it has nothing to do with her lack of "authenticity" in vintage styling. I'm just bitching now, back to Miss Brand... I like the hair. In all honesty I think it is a well polished style. I see a lot of people try to go vintage and it is just a fail... messy, uneven, not quite right... but her hair style here is pretty darn well executed. The bangs could be freshened up, but I'll forgive her since I suck at faux bangs too.
Hehehe Her dress is another matter for me -- I find it distracting and not in a good way, but I am posting this for her hair and nothing more. I know she wore her hair in another style(s) through out the night, but this was the most vintage.
Click the image to enlarge
What do you all think?
Love it or Hate it?